How do I Join?
Firstly, in order to join a credit union, you need to hold what is known as the 'common bond'. For most credit unions, the 'common bond' is
the area where members live - potential members will need to live or work within a local area. This is known as a community based credit union. For other credit unions, the 'common bond' might be the occupation members work in, the employer they work for or perhaps, members are drawn from a society or association. The 'common bond' is what enables members to know and trust one another.
Opening an account
Once you have identified the appropriate credit union within your 'common bond', be that where you live or work, opening an account is straightforward and convenient. You will need;
Evidence of Identification
A current, valid Passport or,
A current, valid Drivers’ Licence or,
A current, valid National ID Card (for NI only)
Evidence of Address
A Utility Bill or
A Local Authority Document or
An Official Document for a Government Body or
A Bank/Building Society Statement dated within the last three months
Evidence of PPS Number (RoI)
- You may also be asked for evidence of your PPS number. For example a document from the Department of Social Protection of the Revenue Commissioners.
You can also contact your local credit union if you are interested in joining to find out about their membership requirements. You can find details for your local credit union using the credit union locator. Once you are a credit union member, you can avail of a range of safe and secure savings services, as well as straightforward and affordable loan services.
To see why credit unions were awarded the most trusted financial in Ireland in 2021 check out more information here.